Daniel Gleason

Applied Scientist at Amazon

About Me

My name is Daniel and I am working at Amazon Advertising as a Applied Scientist for the Sponsored Products team. I graduated from York university with a Master of Science in Computer Science with a Specialization in Artificial Intelligence, a program officially recognized by the Vector Institute.

I am excited to be working in the field of Machine Learning. I am particularly interested in Deep Reinforcement Learning, which I am exploring in my Master’s Industry Research Project. I have experience working with the SciPy ecosystem, PySpark and AWS, as well as PyTorch and TensorFlow.


Autonomous Parking with Reinforcement Learning for Large Armoured Vehicles

I am working on Autonomous Parking with General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada (GDLS-C). I am applying End-to-End and Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning to this problem. Below are gifs of the agent running in simulation and the real world. An extended video with more details can be found here. More information will be published in my thesis soon. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!

e2e robot


Amazon Advertising

Applied Scientist

June 2022 - present

I deliver ML solutions which help advertisers on Amazon effectively use Sponsored Products. My work leverages large datasets using PySpark and AWS to help advertisers configure their ad campaigns.


Data Scientist

May 2021 - June 2022

I work on Data Science and Machine Learning problems for cyber security.

York University


Lab Monitor

September 2020 - present

Teaching Assistant

September 2019 - December 2019

I led labs for Introduction to Computing - a Net-centric Approach which assisted students in learning fundamental computing principles through HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

I currently work as a Lab Monitor, ensuring that remote labs move smoothing in the challenging current environment.



Software Developer

June 2019 - August 2019

QA and Automation Testing

May 2018 - August 2018

QA and Automation Testing

May 2017 - August 2017

QA and Automation Testing

May 2016 - August 2016

  • Addressed security issues as a member of the platform team
  • Researched tools for Desktop application test automation such as Winium, Pywinauto and Autoit
  • Performed manual testing for Wealth Management software


York University

MSc Computer Science, Specialization in Artificial Intelligence

2019 - 2021

My courses were all focused on different areas of AI and my Industry Research Project allowed me to apply Machine Learning to a real-world problem.

University of Western Ontario

BSc of Science, Honours Specialization in Computer Science with Minor in Software Engineering

2015 - 2019

Western’s large Computer Science program allowed me to take a wide variety of courses. I was able to learn about computer networks, web development, game design, artificial intelligence and many other fields.

My Minor in Software Engineering taught me principles for development of better production code and software.

A Little More About Me

I am also an avid Pole Vaulter! I competed in varsity pole vaulting during my five years in university and I won the gold medal in men’s Pole Vault at the Canadian U-Sport championships in 2019!

Me Pole Vaulting